Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week Three: 215 lbs

It's perfectly normal for an individual in the early stages of weight loss to relapse a bit. Not usually after losing only a pound and a half, but whatever.

So I gained back some weight. Whoop-de-do. I'm not worried. I just need to be a little stricter about my eating habits. Here is a list of things that I might be able to cut out of my diet:

Chipotle burrito on Thursday night
pizza on Friday night
nachos and cheese last night around 10:30
Taco Bell today after church
chocolate covered peanuts (sitting next to me at the moment, but not for long)
occasional spoonfuls of peanut-butter
Irish Cream
frequent fistfuls of bacon
a dozen coney dogs consumed over the course of 36-hours
approximately 90% of what I put in my face

I'm going to pick one of those things to exclude from my diet and I'm sure I'll see a change at next week's weigh-in.

Thank you,
      Matt Beers

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week Two: 213.5 lbs

So, the quest to be less gross is not going as well as I would have liked. Two things that are NOT working in my favor are as follows: 1. The temperature today was above 80 (tends to make me sweat like a Hobbit at a buffet, thus making me MORE gross), and 2. My wife has discovered an incredible recipe for homemade granola bars (in the process of learning to make healthier food, she also accidentally discovered a shockingly good substitute for Nutella, but I refuse to admit that this is becoming an issue).

The truth of the matter, in spite of my wife's college degree in Exercise Science which means that she knows better, is this: I've been doing a lot more physical labor lately and I've enhanced many of my muscley parts and, as everyone knows, muscle weighs more than fat. Though I've only lost a pound and a half this week, I've replaced a lot of fat with muscle, which is definitely less gross. Mission accomplished.

Thank you,
      Matt Beers

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week One: 215 lbs

Hello, and welcome to my blog. I have another blog, which already has an established fan-base and hoards of followers (twenty-seven could be considered a hoard, under the right circumstances). It's called The 200lb Man and it WILL change your life. It will also fail miserably to live up to the hype which has been heaped upon it.

My goal with THIS blog is to document my struggle to lose weight. "Oh, dear," you're probably thinking. "Won't you have to change the name of your other blog?" That's a risk I'm willing to take. And thank you for your concern.

I will be updating this blog weekly or so to keep the motivational medicine ball rolling.

I currently weigh 215 pounds. At five and a half feet tall, 215 pounds is a tad bit more than is recommended by physicians and seismologists. I'd like to shoot for around 190, which is still considered obese for someone like me, but it's a start. I don't want my weight to kill me, but I don't want to die trying to lose it, either.

Feel free to check in from time to time to see my progress. I'll try to post some pictures (my wife won't let me post any of the really hideous ones, so no worries) so that you can see what, if any, developments occur.

Wish me luck.

Matt Beers

Friday, April 1, 2011

If you're here on accident because you wanted the Blogger address FattyMatty and, seeing that it was taken, decided to see what dimwit had taken it and what use he had put it to, check out my other blog. My good blog.

The 200lb Man

It's WAYYY better than this one. For starters, it has content.

Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm workin' on it. Calm the crap down, people.

It should be up and running, unlike myself, in a few days.